University of Maryland

Amir SapkotaAmir Sapkota, PhD                                                                                                              Dr. Sapkota is a professor in the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health. He is the consortium PI for the AWARD-APR project and the Maryland Climate Change Health Adaptation Program. Dr. Sapkota’s research focuses on the health impacts of climate change and the cardiopulmonary health effects of combustion-related air pollutants.


Xin-Zhong Liang, PhD                                                                                                      Dr. Liang is a professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. He developed China’s first and second generations of the Global General Circulation Models (GCMs) as well as Regional Climate Models (CMM5, CWRF).  Dr. Liang also leads the University of Maryland’s Earth System Modeling group.



Raghu Murtugudde, PhD                                                                                               Dr. Murtugudde is a professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. He is a climate scientist with an expertise in seasonal to sub-seasonal forecasting. He has been engaged in enhancing  precipitation forecast skills, extreme event studies, and has led an effort in Regional Earth System Predictions for pathogens.


Muhiuddin HaiderMuhiuddin Haider, PhD                                                                                                  Dr. Haider is a clinical professor in the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health. He in an expert in health communication, health promotion, health education and social marketing. Dr. Haider has implemented public health research projects in more than a dozen different countries on behalf of universities and international agencies.



Hao He, PhD                                                                                                                        Dr. Hao He is an Assistant Research Professor at the Department of Atmosperhic and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland. He is an air quality modeler in the UMD Earth System Modeling (EaSM) group led by Dr. Xin-Zhong Liang. Dr. He’s research focuses on numerical simulations of regional climate, air quality, and their interactions. In this consortium, He is in charge of preparing and analyzing seasonal/subseasonal forecast data for the early warning system.


Nick Adams

Nicholas Adams                                                                                                                  Nicholas is a second year doctoral student in the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health, working under Dr. Amir Sapkota. His research aims to quantify the effects of climate change  spread of diarrheal disease and to develop risk communication tools and early warning systems to limit the burden of disease. Nicholas is also working with the Maryland Climate Change Adaptation Program, which aims to provide Marylanders with tools to adapt to climate change.


Shifali Mathews                                                                                                                Shifali is an MPH student in the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health. Her research interests include environmental and climate justice, along with climate change and health.





Richard Remigio                                                                                                                Richard is is a doctoral student at the Maryland Institute of Applied Environmental Health advised by Dr. Amir Sapkota. He is currently interested in characterizing the effects of acute environmental exposure on vulnerable populations. In addition, he is also interested in understanding public health as an ecosystem service when developing climate resilience plans.




Hyeon-Jin Song                                                                                                                Hyeon-Jin is a PhD student in the Department of Epidemiology. Her research interests lie in environmental epidemiology, focused on climate change, air pollution, and GIS. Hyeon-Jin’s research aims to investigate the association of an earlier start of the spring season and asthma hospitalization and how this association varies by age, gender, race/ethnicity, and urban-rural area using satellite-derived plant phenology data.




Linze Li                                                                                                                              Linze is a PhD student in the School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University and has been a visiting student in the School of Public Health, University of Maryland since October 2018. He is working on how climate change impacts human respiratory diseases. His research evaluates how extreme weather events in 150 most populated megacities are impacted by large scale weather phenomenon.


Jeff Dalhoff                                                                                                                  Jeff Dalhoff has Master of Public Health degrees in Environmental and Occupational Health from the University of Minnesota and in Epidemiology from University of Maryland. His current research involves climate change factors and heat-related illnesses in occupational settings. He is a certified industrial hygienist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. His project topic includes determining the risk of extreme heat events on heat-related illness among workers based on workers’ compensation claims and Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys. He is interested in determining the relationship between extreme heat events and heat-related illness so that trends can be identified and so that costs to business can be quanitifed in a new era of work in a changing climate.